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Bob Costas

Challenges Broadcaster Stereotypes

The biggest cause Costas has championed is for the arena of professional baseball. He wrote a book on the topic to get people thinking and to throw out some of his own ideas for changes to the grand old game. A writer for Hollywood.com wrote that the book shows Costas "offering carefully considered views on the ramifications of the 1994 baseball strike." Jerry Gladman with the Toronto Sun surmises that "Costas has written this book solely as someone seeking solutions.… In the hopes someone is listening and can help return the game to full health." Costas made his effort and will continue to pursue a better world for baseball.

Costas has challenged the broadcasting circuit to throw away the cookie cutter sportscasters. He has pushed for his colleagues to consider breaking out of their shells to bring life and vitality to the broadcast again. He doesn't want everyone to be like him, but does want to inspire fellow broadcasters to renew a passion for the sports they are reporting. Robert Bianco, reporting for USA Today, believes "Costas was everything you'd want in an anchor: smart and witty, without being intrusive or smug or losing his sense of occasion." Bianco continued, "Pay Costas whatever he wants."

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Famous Sports StarsSports JournalismBob Costas Biography - Living And Breathing Baseball, Chronology, Bigger And Better, Challenges Broadcaster Stereotypes, Selected Writings By Costas: - CONTACT INFORMATION