Marcus Allen
1960 | Born in San Diego, California |
1978-82 | Plays for the Trojans of USC |
1982 | Drafted by the soon-to-be Los Angeles Raiders; participates in NFL players' strike |
1984 | Sets a Super Bowl record of 191 yards on 20 carries, Super Bowl XVIII; relocates to Oakland with the Raiders |
1987 | Participates in second NFL players' strike |
1988 | Leads the league in rushing for the seventh time |
1993 | Marries Kathryn Eickstaedt; signs with the Kansas City Chiefs; goes to the playoffs with Kansas City |
1997 | Retires from professional play after 221 games played, with 145 career touchdowns, 123 rushing touchdowns, 587 pass receptions, 12,243 career rushing yards, and six Pro Bowls. |
1998 | Joins the CBS Sports Broadcasting team |
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Famous Sports StarsFootballMarcus Allen Biography - College Career, The Raiders, Chronology, Contact Information, Career Statistics, Awards And Accomplishments - SELECTED WRITINGS BY ALLEN: