Mike Ditka
1939 | Born in Carnegie, Pennsylvania |
1961 | Drafted by Chicago Bears |
1967 | Traded to Philadelphia Eagles |
1969 | Traded to Dallas Cowboys |
1972 | Retires from playing football |
1972 | Becomes offensive assistant and special teams coach for Dallas Cowboys |
1982 | Becomes head coach of Chicago Bears |
1986 | Leads Bears to victory in Super Bowl over the New England Patriots |
1992 | Fired by Bears owner Mike McCaskey |
1997 | Hired as head coach of New Orleans Saints |
2000 | Retired from coaching |
Additional topics
- Mike Ditka - Awards And Accomplishments
- Mike Ditka - New Orleans Saints Head Coach
- Other Free Encyclopedias
Famous Sports StarsFootballMike Ditka Biography - "you Could Hear The House Rock", Head Coach Of The Chicago Bears, New Orleans Saints Head Coach - SELECTED WRITINGS BY DITKA: