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Althea Gibson


1927 Born August 25 in Silver, South Carolina
1930 Moves to New York City
1941 Begins lessons at Harlem's Cosmopolitan Club
1942 Enters and wins her first tournament, sponsored by the all-black American Tennis Association (ATA)
1946 Moves to Wilmington, North Carolina, to work on her tennis game and enroll in high school
1949 Finishes tenth in her high school class; accepts tennis scholarship to Florida A&M University in Tallahassee
1950 Enters her first outdoor United States Lawn Tennis Association (USLTA) tournaments; plays in the U.S. National Tennis Championships at Forest Hills
1951 Competes in the All-England Tennis Championships at Wimbledon
1953 Graduates from Florida A&M moves to Jefferson City, Missouri
1954 Works with coach Sydney Llewellyn
1955-56 Travels throughout Southeast Asia on a U.S. State Department-sponsored goodwill tour
1959 Releases soloist album; appears in the film The Horse Soldiers
1960 Tours with the Harlem Globetrotters playing exhibition tennis
1964 Launches her professional golf career
1965 Marries businessman Will A. Darben
1971 Retires from professional golf
1975 Becomes manager of the East Orange, New Jersey, Department of Recreation
1977 Runs for New Jersey State Senate; loses three-way Democratic primary in Essex County

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Famous Sports StarsTennisAlthea Gibson Biography - Lost In Harlem, "why Not Now?", Chronology, Awards And Accomplishments, Attains World Dominance - CONTACT INFORMATION