Althea Gibson
1927 | Born August 25 in Silver, South Carolina |
1930 | Moves to New York City |
1941 | Begins lessons at Harlem's Cosmopolitan Club |
1942 | Enters and wins her first tournament, sponsored by the all-black American Tennis Association (ATA) |
1946 | Moves to Wilmington, North Carolina, to work on her tennis game and enroll in high school |
1949 | Finishes tenth in her high school class; accepts tennis scholarship to Florida A&M University in Tallahassee |
1950 | Enters her first outdoor United States Lawn Tennis Association (USLTA) tournaments; plays in the U.S. National Tennis Championships at Forest Hills |
1951 | Competes in the All-England Tennis Championships at Wimbledon |
1953 | Graduates from Florida A&M moves to Jefferson City, Missouri |
1954 | Works with coach Sydney Llewellyn |
1955-56 | Travels throughout Southeast Asia on a U.S. State Department-sponsored goodwill tour |
1959 | Releases soloist album; appears in the film The Horse Soldiers |
1960 | Tours with the Harlem Globetrotters playing exhibition tennis |
1964 | Launches her professional golf career |
1965 | Marries businessman Will A. Darben |
1971 | Retires from professional golf |
1975 | Becomes manager of the East Orange, New Jersey, Department of Recreation |
1977 | Runs for New Jersey State Senate; loses three-way Democratic primary in Essex County |
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Famous Sports StarsTennisAlthea Gibson Biography - Lost In Harlem, "why Not Now?", Chronology, Awards And Accomplishments, Attains World Dominance - CONTACT INFORMATION