Bud Greenspan
Further Information
Austin, Al. "Bud Greenspan." Sports Travel. (June, 1998).
Deford, Frank. "Sixteen Days of Glory." Sports Illustrated. (December 16, 1985).
Deitsch, Richard. "TV Talk." Sports Illustrated. (February 25, 2002).
Harvey, Randy. "He Uses Rose-Colored Filter to Catch Olympics on Film." Los Angeles Times. (December 17, 1999).
Hiltbrand, David. "Barcelona '92: Sixteen Days of Glory." People. (August 16, 1993).
Hiltbrand, David. "Lillehammer '94: Sixteen Days of Glory." People. (November 28, 1994).
Klein, Frederick. "On Sports: The Olympics' Cheerleader." Wall Street Journal. (July 29, 1988).
Krupnick, Jerry. "A Gold for Human Drama." Star-Ledger. (April 15, 1996).
Sandomir, Richard. "The Official Keeper of the Olympic Flame." New York Times. (August 4, 1996).
Taafe, William. "The Candle Still Burns." Sports Illustrated. (December 12, 1983).
"Bud Greenspan on China's History, Future in Olympic Movement." CNN.com. http://www.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/east/07/14/bud.greenspan.cnna/ (July 14, 2001).
"Ten Burning Questions for Bud Greenspan." ESPN.com.http://espn.go.com/page2/s/questions/budgreenspan.html./ (December 16, 20002).
"Witnessing the 1972 Olympic Games." CBSNews.com. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/09/04/earlyshow/leisure/celebspot/printable52084/ (September 5, 2002).
Additional topics
Famous Sports StarsSports JournalismBud Greenspan Biography - From Radio To Film, Documenting Terror And Triumph, An Olympian Effort, Chronology, Awards And Accomplishments