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Bob Griese

Further Information


Harrington, Denis J. The Pro Football Hall of Fame: Players, Coaches, Team Owners and League Officials, 1963-1991. Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Company, Inc. Publishers, 1991.

Hickok, Ralph. A Who's Who of Sports Champions: Their Stories and Records. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1995.

Perkins, Steve, and Bill Braucher. Miami Dolphins: Winning Them All. New York: Grosset and Dunlap Publishers, 1973.


Masin, Herman L. "Griese Kid Stuff." Coach and Athletic Director (March 1998): 14.

Montville, Leigh. "His Father's Son." Sports Illustrated (October 13, 1997): 76.

Tresniowski, Alex. "Top Gun and Son." People Weekly (December 1, 1997): 175-177.

Weber, Bruce. "Always on Sunday: Bob Griese Tells It Like It Is." Coach and Athletic Director (October 2000): 46-60.


"Bob Griese: Analyst." ABC Sports/ESPN. http://espn.go.com/abcsports/columns/griese_bob/bio.html (December 30, 2002)

"Dolphins Hall of Famers: Bob Griese." Miami Dolphins. http://www.miamidolphins.com/history/halloffamers/halloffamers_griese_b.asp (December 30, 2002)

Additional topics

Famous Sports StarsFootballBob Griese Biography - Baseball Or Football?, Difficult Start In Miami, Shula And Griese: A Perfect Combination, Chronology - SELECTED WRITINGS BY GRIESE: