Karch Kiraly
1960 | Born in Jackson, Michigan, on November 3 |
1967 | Begins playing volleyball with his father at the age of 6 |
1983 | Earns bachelor's degree in biochemistry from UCLA |
1983 | Becomes professional beach volleyball player |
1986 | Marries Janna Miller in December |
1995 | Appears in episode of TV series Baywatch |
Additional topics
- Karch Kiraly - Wins Inaugural Oldsmobile Beach Series
- Karch Kiraly - Wins 17 Of 22 Tourneys In 1994
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Famous Sports StarsVolleyballKarch Kiraly Biography - Born In Jackson, Michigan, Leads Us Team To 5 Gold Medals, Wins 17 Of 22 Tourneys In 1994 - CONTACT INFORMATION