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Karch Kiraly

Further Information


"Karch Kiraly." Almanac of Famous People, 6th ed. Detroit: Gale Research, 1998.

"Karch Kiraly." The Complete Marquis Who's Who. New York: Marquis Who's Who, 2001.

"Karch Kiraly." Contemporary Newsmakers 1987, Issue Cumulation. Detroit: Gale Research, 1988.

"Kent Steffes." The Complete Marquis Who's Who. Marquis Who's Who, 2001.


Deitsch, Richard. "Q&A: Karch Kiraly." Sports Illustrated, (September 16, 2002): 32.

Moore, David Leon. "Volleyball Star Kiraly Still Has Some Spike Left." USA Today, (August 23, 2002): 3C.


"Karch Kiraly." Jack's World of Volleyball. (January 12, 2003).

"Karch Kiraly Professional Volleyball Player." CBA. SportsLine.com. http://ww1.sportsline.com/u/ewards/qa/0902kiraly.htm (January 12, 2003).

"Karch Kiraly, Three-Time Olympic Gold Medalist, Professional Volleyball Player." Volleyball World Wide. http://www.volleyball.org/people/karch_kiraly.html (January 12, 2003).

"Karch Kiraly: United States." Beach Volleyball Database. http://www.bvbinfo.com/Player.asp?ID=69 (January 12, 2003).

"Kent Steffes." Volleyball World Wide. http://www.volleyball.org/people/kent_steffes.html (January 12, 2003).

"The King Lives." Association of Volleyball Professionals. http://www.avp.com/content.asp?articleid=1503 (January 12, 2003).

"Resolution of Commendation and Appreciation." USA Volleyball. www.usavolleyball.org/natoff/karch.pdf (January 12, 2003).

Additional topics

Famous Sports StarsVolleyballKarch Kiraly Biography - Born In Jackson, Michigan, Leads Us Team To 5 Gold Medals, Wins 17 Of 22 Tourneys In 1994 - CONTACT INFORMATION