Tommy Lasorda
1927 | Born on September 22 in Norristown, Pennsylvania |
1946 | Serves in the U.S. Army |
1948 | Becomes a professional baseball player in the minor leagues |
1940s | Marries wife Jo |
1954 | Makes major league debut as a pitcher for the Brooklyn Dodgers |
1956 | Plays in the major leagues a final season, pitching for the Kansas City Athletics |
1961 | Becomes a talent scout for the Los Angeles Dodgers |
1965 | Becomes a manager in the minor leagues |
1977 | Becomes manager of the Dodgers |
1996 | Retires from managing the Dodgers, becomes Dodgers vice president |
2000 | Selected to manage the U. S. Olympic baseball team |
Additional topics
Famous Sports StarsBaseballTommy Lasorda Biography - Born For Baseball, Starts A Half-century With The Dodgers, An Outstanding Manager, Olympic Gold