Patty Moise
1961 | Born in Jacksonville, Florida |
1981 | Begins racing road races |
1986 | Begins racing on lapped tracks |
1990 | Marries fellow racer Elton Sawyer; drives fulltime for the season |
1991-93 | Makes just twenty starts |
1994 | Races fulltime on the Busch Grand National circuit |
1996 | Drives Ford, which she co-owns with Sawyer |
1997 | Makes just one start |
1998 | Races fulltime for Michael and Buffy Waltrip, sponsored by Rhodes Furniture |
1999 | Loses sponsorship; retires |
Additional topics
Famous Sports StarsAuto RacingPatty Moise Biography - Woman Driver, Sponsorship Ups And Downs, Chronology, Retires, Awards And Accomplishments, Further Information