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Joe Paterno

No Ordinary Joe

Even if his teams don't win as much as they once did-the Nittany Lions, who host Ohio State on Saturday, lost their first four games this season and were 5-7 in 2000-and recruits don't flock to his program anymore, it doesn't matter. Now at the top of the all-time Division I-A wins list, Pater-no deserves high praise for his undying principles and his belief that college football is part of the educational experience, not the sole reason for young men to stay on campus. He has been a true advocate for the student-athlete and a conscience for a sport that often ignores what is right.

Applaud Joe Paterno for his 323 career wins. Cheer him for his two national titles. But respect and appreciate him for so much more.

Source: Bradley, Michael. The Sporting News 22 (October 29, 2001): 20-23.

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Famous Sports StarsFootballJoe Paterno Biography - Growing Up, Happy In Happy Valley, Chronology, Awards And Accomplishments, Moving On Up - CONTACT INFORMATION