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Sandra Schmirler

Further Information


Lefko, Perry. Sandra Schmirler: The Queen of Curling. Toronto: Stoddart Publishing, 2000.

Scholz, Guy. Gold on Ice: The Story of the Sandra Schmirler Curling Team. Regina: Coteau Books, 1999.


Araton, Harvey. "A Curler's Homey Legend Can Still Inspire." New York Times (February 12, 2002): D1.

Wallace, Bruce. "In Too Few Years a Life to Remember: Sandra Schmirler Earned Fame on the Ice, but Never Lost Sight of the Important Things in Life." Maclean's (March 13, 2000): 56.

Wojnarowski, Adrian. "Curling Star's Legacy Lives On: Canadians Honor Schmirler." Record (Bergen County, NJ; February 12, 2002): S1.


"The Life & Times of Sandra Schmirler." Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. http://www.tv.cbc.ca/lifeandtimes/bio2001/schmirler.htm (January 8, 2003).

"Sandra Schmirler: Celebrating Women's Achievements." National Library of Canada. http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/2/12/h12-237-e.html (January 8, 2003).

Sandra Schmirler Foundation. http://www.sandraschmirler.org (January 8, 2003).

"Schmirler Talks with Media about Fight for Her Life." Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity. http://www.caaws.ca/Whats_New/feb00/schmirl_feb11.htm (January 8, 2003).

Spencer, Donna. "Canadians Felt a Part of Schmirler's Success." Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity. http://www.caaws.ca/Whats_New/mar00/schmirl_mar2.htm (February 11, 2003).

Additional topics

Famous Sports StarsOther SportsSandra Schmirler Biography - Building Skills And A Team, World Champions, First Olympic Gold, Fight Of Her Life