Teemu Selanne
1970 | Born July 3 in Helsinki, Finland |
1988 | Drafted by Winnipeg Jets in the first round |
c. 1988-89 | Serves in the Finnish Army |
1989-92 | Plays for Jokerit (Finnish team); also teaches kindergarten |
1992 | Plays for the Finnish national team in the Olympics; begins playing for the Winnipeg Jets (NHL) |
1995 | Signs five-year deal worth $14 million with Winnipeg |
1996 | Marries Sirpa Vuorinen on July 19; traded to the Anaheim Mighty Ducks on February 7 |
1997 | Plays in the post-season with the Mighty Ducks (first time the team played in playoffs) |
1998 | Plays for Finland at the Winter Olympics, winning bronze medal |
2001 | Traded to the San Jose Sharks on March 5 |
2002 | Signs a one-year deal with Sharks worth $6.5 million ($3 million less than he had made the previous season); plays for Finland at the Winter Olympics |
Additional topics
- Teemu Selanne - Awards And Accomplishments
- Teemu Selanne - Traded To San Jose
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Famous Sports StarsHockeyTeemu Selanne Biography - Drafted By Winnipeg, Joined The Nhl, Traded To The Ducks, Traded To San Jose - CONTACT INFORMATION