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Ole Einar Bjoerndalen

Further Information


"Bjoerndalen Wins 4th Gold; U.S. vs. Canada for Bronze in Women's Curling." Chicago Tribune (February 21, 2002): 8.

Leduff, Charlie. "Fourth Gold Medal for a Positive Thinker." New York Times (February 21, 2002): D1.


Baum, Greg. "Bjoerndalen a Hot Shot in the Snow." Sydney Morning Herald, http:/old.smh.com.au/news/0202/15/sport/sport14/html, (February 15, 2002).

Biography Resource Center, Ole Einar Bjoerndalen profile, http://galenet.galegroup.com, (January 31, 2003).

"Bjoerndalen Takes Fourth Gold." BBC Sport, http://news.bbc.co.uk/winterolympics2002, (February 20, 2002).

Bragg, Beth. "Simply Unbeatable: Unassuming Norwegian Quietly Earns Fourth Gold of Games," Anchorage Daily News, http://anchorage.com/sports/olympics/story/767739p-819629c.html, (February 21, 2002).

Johansen, Robert Veiaaker. "Lone Wolf Bjoerndalen Cleaning Out Pack." Translation by Brian Olsen. Frozenbullet.com, http://www.frozenbullet.com, (July 19, 2002).

Olsen, Brian. "Bjoerndalen: Sponsor Deals, Hunting Trips, and Bad News." Frozenbullet.com, http://www.frozenbullet.com, (July 2, 2002).

Additional topics

Famous Sports StarsBiathalonOle Einar Bjoerndalen Biography - Liked Target Shooting, Power Of Positive Thinking, Supreme At Soldier Hollow, Elevates Biathlon Status