Honus Wagner
Further Information
American Decades CD-ROM. Detroit: Gale Group, 1998.
Dictionary of American Biography, Supplement 5: 1951-1955. American Council of Learned Societies, 1977.
Encyclopedia of World Biography Supplement. Volume 20. Detroit: Gale Group, 2000.
Hageman, William. Honus: The Life and Times of a Baseball Hero. Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing, 1996.
Hittner, Arthur D. Honus Wagner: The Life of Baseball's "Flying Dutchman." Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 1996.
Neff, Craig. "Scorecard: Honus or Bogus." Sports Illustrated (June 4, 1990): 15.
"Saga." Bulletin Index (September 7, 1939).
Weir, Tom. "Top Shortstops Brought More Than Glove to Work: Honus Wagner Established Standard with Success at Plate, on Basepaths." USA Today (August 27, 1999): 6C.
"Clarke, Fred C." HickockSports.com. http://www.hickocksports.com/biograph/clarkefr.shtml (October 15, 2002).
"Fred Clarke." National Baseball Hall of Fame. http://www.baseballhalloffame.org/hofers_and_honorees/hofer_bios/Clarke_Fred.htm (October 15, 2002).
"Honus Wagner." Baseball Almanac. http://www.baseball-almanac.com/players/p_wagner0.shtml (October 15, 2002).
"Honus Wagner: Career Batting Statistics." CNN/Sports Illustrated. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/baseball/mlb/stats/alltime/player/batting/12792.html (October 14, 2002).
"Honus Wagner." http://members.aol.com/stealth792/wagner/wagner.html (October 14, 2002).
"Honus Wagner." National Baseball Hall of Fame. http://www.baseballhalloffame.org/hofers_and_honorees/hofer_bios/wagner_honus.htm (October 14, 2002).
"Player Pages: Honus Wagner." The Baseball Page.com. http://www.thebaseballpage.com/past/pp/wagnershonus/default.htm (October 15, 2002).
Additional topics
Famous Sports StarsBaseballHonus Wagner Biography - Born In Western Pennsylvania, Breaks Into Major Leagues, Retires From The Pirates In 1917, Chronology