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Paula Weishoff

Further Information


Collin, Phil. "All the Pieces Together for a USC Dynasty." Daily Breeze, (December 19, 2002).

Dwyre, Bill. "Barcelona '92; U.S. Women Regroup for Bronze." Houston Chronicle, (August 8, 1992): Sports, 13.

Powers, John. "Women Grab the Bronze; Summer Olympics '92." Boston Globe, (August 8, 1992): Sports, 62.


Additional information was obtained from an interview with Paula Weishoff on January 29, 2003.

"Paula Weishoff Profile." USC Trojans. http://usctrojans.ocsn.com/sports/w-volley/mtt/weishoff_paula00.html (January 27, 2003).

Additional topics

Famous Sports StarsVolleyballPaula Weishoff Biography - Chronology, Awards And Accomplishments, Further Information