Barry Bonds Biography
Family Tree, Big League Numbers, Big League Attitude, Professional And Personal Moves, ChronologyCONTACT INFORMATION
American baseball player
Professional baseball player Barry Bonds may be the sports world's most vivid study in contrasts. Revered for his practically unmatched athletic prowess—he appears poised to break Hank Aaron's record of 755 career home runs—he is, at the same time, despised by many for his aloof, or even downright rude, behavior both onand off-field. He has been described by a former teammate as "the greatest player I have ever played with, or will ever play with" and by other commentators as a "prima donna," "a cancer" and a "spiritual drain" on his sport. Whether a hero or quite the opposite, one fact is for certain: Bonds has not only taken his sport to new levels of athletic achievement but he has raised the financial stakes for players of his caliber as well. The left-fielder was already one of the highest-paid players in
Barry Bonds
Major League Baseball (MLB), when he signed a five-year, $90 million contract with the San Francisco Giants in February 2002, tying Chicago Cubs powerhouse Sammy Sosa for the fourth-largest paycheck in baseball. In commanding such an increasingly large salary, Bonds has also become part of an ever-growing group of players who are overcoming the financial barriers that have historically been levied against minority baseball players. In 1997, Jet reported that Bonds and three other minority players commanded five of the highest salaries in the history of professional baseball.
Address: c/o San Francisco Giants, Candlestick Point, 24 Willie Mays Plaza, San Francisco, CA 94107-2199.
Sketch by Kristin Palm
Additional topics
- Ila Borders Biography - Dreamed Of Pitching Professionally, Played In Men's Minor League, Chronology, Awards And Accomplishments
- Yogi Berra Biography - Childhood In St. Louis, Signed With Yankees, Chronology, Developed Star Qualities, Coach And Manager
- Barry Bonds - Family Tree
- Barry Bonds - Big League Numbers, Big League Attitude
- Barry Bonds - Professional And Personal Moves
- Barry Bonds - Chronology
- Barry Bonds - Awards And Accomplishments
- Barry Bonds - Career Statistics
- Barry Bonds - Further Information
- Barry Bonds - Related Biography: Baseball Player Bobby Bonds
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