Terry Bradshaw
Born To Work
Bradshaw was born in 1948 into a Shreveport, Louisiana farming family, the son of William and Novis Bradshaw. The work ethic was there from the beginning. "I was born to work, taught to work, love to work." Early on he developed his skills on the football field, honing a pinpoint, accurate passing that would become his trademark. As a college football player he made all-American, an unusual honor since he didn't attend one of the football powerhouses, but instead played for Louisiana Technical University (not even a Division I school). In fact, Bradshaw's discovery by the Pittsburgh Steelers—who made him the number one pick in the 1970 football draft—started a tradition of college football powerhouses looking to Louisiana for their talent.
Terry Bradshaw
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Famous Sports StarsFootballTerry Bradshaw Biography - Born To Work, Number One Pick, Born Again, Chronology, Team Of Dynasty And Destiny - CONTACT INFORMATION