Tracy Caulkins
Began Swimming
When Caulkins was eight years old, she began swimming at the Seven Hills Swim and Tennis Club, where her older siblings, Amy and Tim, already swam. Originally Caulkins would only swim the backstroke because she did not like getting her face wet. She eventually learned the other strokes, and though she hated the cold water and did not want to practice at first, in a short amount of time she became very good. With the encouragement of her mother and father, Caulkins realized her potential and began to embrace the tougher aspects of swimming.
At the age of ten, Caulkins joined the West Side VC (later known as the Nashville Aquatic Club) and was shortly ranked in the top ten in the nation in a few swimming events. Only two years later, when she was 12 years old, Caulkins qualified for the senior nationals. Some reasons for her success as a swimmer could be
Tracy Caulkins
found in her body; she had hyperextended knees that gave her leverage and had the ability to do a great kick. She also had a solid stroke and could glide through the water. With her big feet, long arms, and long wingspan, Caulkins's body was built for swimming. At her peak, she was five feet, nine inches tall and 135 lbs.
As Caulkins's swimming training intensified, it began to affect her schooling. Her public junior high school would not accommodate her need to travel for her swimming, so she transferred to Harpeth Hall Academy, a private girl's school. Harpeth was supportive of her swimming, but also was academically demanding.
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Famous Sports StarsSwimmingTracy Caulkins Biography - Began Swimming, Won First National Titles, Best Year As A Swimmer, Chronology, Olympic Boycott Affected Caulkins - CONTACT INFORMATION