Dave Winfield
Blossoming Sports Career
At the University of Minnesota, Winfield's career in sports began to blossom. As a sophomore, he was a starting pitcher who won eight out of eleven outings. In his junior year he moved to the outfield and played both baseball and basketball. He pitched again during his senior year and hit .385. The Minnesota Gophers won both the Big Ten basketball and the Big Ten baseball championships during Winfield's senior year. He was named Most Valuable Player in the National Collegiate Athletic Association tournament and received collegiate All-American honors.
On graduation, in 1973, Winfield was drafted by the San Diego Padres baseball team, the Atlanta Hawks and
Dave Winfield
the Utah Stars basketball teams, and the pro football team Minnesota Vikings, even though he had never played football in college. He chose the Padres and received a $50,000 signing bonus plus $18,000 a year in salary. At San Diego, he gave up pitching and became an outfielder. His batting was both brilliant and lagging during his rookie years. With consistent coaching, however, by 1978 he batted .308 and was named team captain. He also played his second All-Star game, and in 1979 he won his first Gold Glove award.
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Famous Sports StarsBaseballDave Winfield Biography - Close Family, Blossoming Sports Career, Winfield Foundation, Difficult Decade With The Yankees, Chronology - CONTACT INFORMATION