Sadaharu Oh
1940 | Born May 20 in Tokyo, Japan |
1959 | Joins Yomiuri Giants as a pitcher |
1960 | Switches to first base |
1962 | Develops his famous "flamingo" style of batting |
1980 | Retires from Yomiuri Giants |
1984-88 | Manages the Yomiuri Giants |
1984 | Writes his autobiography, A Zen Way of Baseball |
1988 | Works with Hank Aaron to promote baseball to children |
1995 | Joins the Fukuoka Daiei Hawks as manager |
2000 | Leads Hawks against Yomiuri Giants in Japan Series |
2002 | Joins Cypress Systems' public health education program |
Additional topics
- Sadaharu Oh - Awards And Accomplishments
- Sadaharu Oh - From Player To Manager To Hall Of Fame
- Other Free Encyclopedias
Famous Sports StarsBaseballSadaharu Oh Biography - Zen And The Art Of The Flamingo Stance, Home Run Record, From Player To Manager To Hall Of Fame - SELECTED WRITINGS BY OH: