Ted Williams
Further Information
Encyclopedia of World Biography Supplement, Volume 19. "Ted Williams." Detroit: Gale Group, 1999.
"Bizarre Family Feud." Maclean's (July 22, 2002): 11.
Corliss, Richard. "A Little Respect for the Splendid Splinter: Ted Williams, 1918-2002." Time (July 15, 2002): 72.
"Red Sox Pride: Tributes—and a Family Feud—Follow Ted Williams's Death." People (July 22, 2002): 92.
Stout, Glenn. "The Case of the 1947 MVP Ballot." Sporting News (December 20, 1993): 7.
Thomsen, Ian. "Boston Mourns Its Hero: The Fenway Fans Paid Their Respects to Ted Williams, a Towering Figure Who Fought the Good Fight." Sports Illustrated (July 17, 2002): 70.
Underwood, John. "Gone Fishing: His Baseball Days behind Him, the Kid Took to the Waters off the Keys with a Boatload of Yarns, a Few Friends and One Mission: Bring in the Big Ones." Sports Illustrated (July 17, 2002): 46.
Verducci, Tom. "Splendor at the Plate: Over Two Brilliant Decades, Ted Williams Proved He Was What He Always Wanted to Be: The Best Hitter Who Ever Lived." Sports Illustrated (July 17, 2002): 10.
Williams, Ted. " 'Humility and Pride'." (Speech on induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame). Sports Illustrated (July 17, 2002): 84.
Baseball-Reference.com "Ted Williams." http://www.baseball-reference.com/ (November 26, 2002).
Bergen, Phil, and Mike Shatzkin. "Ted Williams." BaseballLibrary.com. http://www.pubdim.net/baseballlibrary.com/ (November 27, 2002).
Pope, Edwin. "Finally, a Time to Celebrate Baseball as Wing Opens at Ted Williams Museum." Knight Ridder/Tribune News Service (February 9, 1995).
Additional topics
Famous Sports StarsBaseballTed Williams Biography - Young Ball Player, Military Service And Continuing Career, "terrible Ted", Chronology, Awards And Accomplishments